Line of Business software for

From 2019-2022: Built a line of business software for a Lighting distributor client.

From day one, this was aiming to be a big, awesome piece of software. It was describe, when planning, as the digital embodiment of all the processes and methods for the business. What it grew into was a interesting set of automation, data synchronization and organization, Customer management, and ordering and billing.

The client was using a database software application that was older and wasn’t meeting their needs, and wanted to replace it with a custom build that was capable of automating their business practices

Once the main part of the build was complete, they brought onboard a junior developer to help with building and maintaining the system.

Kiera left to follow other opportunities in 2022 and it was passed along to a new developer and the existing developer, who had grown into a capable, knowledgeable steward for the application.

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